310-2860 310-7251 310-7697 310-8363 310-8941 310-9048 310-9050 310-9249 310-9438 310-9439 330-0395 330-1650 330-2139 330-2143 330-2144 330-2146 330-2763 330-2963 330-3614 330-3615 330-4279 330-4280 330-4281 5K74V C026H GY470 H856H HA65NE1-00 KT190 M582J M585J MK911 N2768 N560J N566J NF642 PA-1650-050 PA-1650-28D PA-2E PC531 TN800 TW587 W916G XD802 YR719 YR733
Compatible Model:
Dell Inspiron
1150 1401 1410 1420 1501 1520 1521 1525 2150 300M 500M 505M 510M 6000 600M 630M 6400 640M 700M 710M 8500 8600 9200 9400 E1405 E1505 E1705 1420 15 1521 300m 500m 6000 600m 630m 640m 700m 710m E1405
Dell Precision
M20 M60 M65 M70 M20 Mobile Work station M4300
Dell Latitude
120L 131L D400 D410 D420 D430 D500 D505 D510 D520 D530 D531 D531N D600 D610 D620 D630 D630N D631N D800 D810 D830 D830N E4200 E4300 X300 XT XT2
Dell Vostro
1000 1400 A840 A860 1400 1500
Dell XPS
M1210 M140 M1330
Dell Studio
XPS 13
1 x Laptop adapter
Please Note: Please make sure the DC voltage and Connector size are accordant before you purchase this product. This adapter is compatible with all computers featuring a 7.4*5.0mm connector , DC 19.5v output voltage , and an output current below 3.34A